Saturday 29 April 2017

IAS IPS PCS public servent it must be written outside their office

Indian IAS PCS IPS officer class role in public is not amicable and helpful today because public is getting services from officers as they are slave. Bureaucrats do not think their duty is for public help & welfare and have to provide them good and fast service.
In present scenario IAS PCS IPS officers and their staff is so arrogant and rude to the visitors, it proves that a citizen of a democratic country like India has no right to get any justice or help from bureaucrats and even they do not listen a single word from public.

May be it is not taught to bureaucrats that they are servant of public and tax payers public is master of them. There is police security at the door of IAS PCS IPS officers and it proves that it is against our democratic constitution of India equality to all.

Every citizen of India is master of his own work as an example a doctor’s service is so important in public field and same a bus, aero plane, rail driver’s services is also more valuable in compare with bureaucrat’s services. Question is then why should government provide special facilities and police securities to IAS PCS IPS officers?
Present bureaucracy system of our country must be changed within time to provide constitutional rights of equality to all. In future there must not be so rude and arrogant attitude of IAS PCS IPS officers with public and there must not be police securities outside their office to degrade the citizen who come for their grievances and complaint to get justice for their fundamental rights in government department. There must be written outside the office of IAS PCS IPS “PUBLIC SERVENT”. It will be sign of freedom to all and the condition of being free the power to act or speak without externally restraints to get their rights.
Shri Paul Sharma


Thursday 27 April 2017

Ludhiana civil hospital only for the medico legal reports

Ludhiana district has a government civil hospital in which there is no hygienic atmosphere, no cleanliness, no proper toilet facilities, no clean drinking water adequate nutrition and sanitation for patients.
 The deficit of doctors and health workers is also a major problem all time, there is no proper health check up machines facilities, proper infrastructure and other medical services.
The civil hospital is
only for the medico legal reports (MLR) that is registered at the Civil Hospital after scuffles and fights so in duty emergency medical officer always busy to check up and sign medical reports.
All suicide, murders and accident cases, postmortem and prisoners’ medical treatment is also done in civil hospital.
Everybody knows that Ludhiana district it is going to be smart city in India soon by the help of government of India. That is Ludhiana in which medical facilities are zero for poor and common men. Peoples are dying with diseases in poor localities without any medical treatment or facilities.

It is shame for that government who could not provide medical facilities to citizen after 70 years of independence. And it is also shame for the citizens of India who could get their constitutional rights till today.

Shri Paul Sharma 09417455666

Monday 24 April 2017

RTI killed by State Information Commissioners in India

In India Government has passed a law in 2005 Right of Information Act for the transparency in the government department. Unfortunately due to illiteracy and selfishness among Indian citizen this RTI law could not provide any satisfactory beneficial result to the public to eradicate corruption.  It is world known that Indians are money minded and to make money they can do every illegal work.
To make India corruption free some people took initiative to file RTI application to furnish information from government department and public got information from the various govt. departments.
In starting period state information commission used to help applicant and pressurized to public information to provide required information to applicant within stipulated time. Now in present totally scenario has been changed and the state information commission has started to help government public officers.

In the state information commission office if the public information officer do not appear or miss his presence in the bench in that time commissioner give him relief but by chance any applicant miss any hearing date any time in that situation commissioner immediately dispose of the case.
If applicant opposed it in that time the commissioner reply in hard tune to applicant if you are not satisfied file a case in high court against it.
Suppose a common man or social worker seek any information from government department to expose corruption and file application to seek information have to spend all expenditure from his pocket and other hand government employee public information officer spend all money from government exchequer.
At last Indian government’s minister and officer class has killed the tool of a common man Right of Information Act so that public can’t expose the corruption in government department.

Shri Paul Sharma President
RTI & Human Rights Activist NGO
09417455666  Ludhiana Punjab India 

Sunday 23 April 2017

Social Media Face Book is Horror Alarm for Indian Husband

The impact of the social media especially face book has created a number of problem in Indian family, increasing influence that the media has in our daily lives and creating marital infidelity marriage problems.
Indian middle class married women all time having mobile in their hands may be wherever they are in bath room kitchen or in bed room have started illegal relationship with other men as a result those Indian women who used to worship their husband as a God now discard them do not like them, abuse them.
Before electronic media Indian women used to live in their home but after social change and era of social media now they have stated to feel themselves slave of their house boundary and above 35 years old aged married women mother of two or three children have been fed up from their husband and searching, finding new relationship with other male guy in social media facebook.
Middle class married women who are interested in modern fashioned life are easily allured by other male members in face book friends.
Now they have made illegal sexual relation with other male members and stay outside home with them. When husband oppose or say something to her wife against it. She gets irritated and threats to live her home and children as a result she do not care their kids and respect elders.  She declares her husband is old fashioned and she denies to sleeping in her husband bedroom. She spends all time on Face book if any family members or husband interfere in it, she gets extremely irate about it.
In India where people used to live in joint family but after films and television era husband and wife started to live separate from family. Now in IT social media time it has created new problems between husband and wife.  
It has created numerous misunderstanding, dispute in martial relation and it has also brought bad affects in the life of their kids.
In India social media face book is horror alarm for husband  where all people are money minded selfish, no law and regulations, no judiciary help in time, no rights and duties, no good governance, no hearing, no security in that situation social media face book will ruin the joint family relation of husband and wife where a women used to pray, “‘Husband is my Pati Parmeshvar” (God).
Shri Paul Sharma Advocate
09417455666Ludhiana Punjab India

Friday 21 April 2017

भारत देश का आम नागरिक आज भी गुलाम है

पुलिस कमीश्नर के दफ्तर के बाहर जब पांच छः गनमैन एकदम भागे तो मुझे यह सब देख कर हैरानी हुई कि क्या हुआ तभी एक सिविल ड्रेस में जेंटलमैन गाड़ी में से निकला और पुलिस सुरक्षा में वह शायद आई पी एस पुलिस अफसर होगा अपने दफ्तर की और चला गया। 
जब हम गुलाम थे तब अंग्रेज पुलिस हुक्मरान भी ऐसे ही ठाठ से रहते थे, चलते थे और जनता पर राज करते थे भगत सिंह राजगुरु चंद्र शेखर आज़ाद आदि वीरो ने अंग्रेज पुलिस की मनमानी रोकने के लिए उस समय अपनी कुर्बानी दी थी। 
बड़े अफ़सोस की बात है अंग्रेज चले गए पर भारत की जनता पर गुलामो जैसा वर्ताव करने वाला काला कानून भारत में ही छोड़ गए और आज भी सरकार और  पुलिस 1887 वाले अंग्रेजो के कानून द्वारा ही जनता पर कार्रवाई कर रही है। 

देश के नागरिक आज भी अंग्रेजो द्वारा बनाये गए कानून में अपनी आज़ादी  ढूंढ रहे है कही आज़ाद भारत देश के आम नागरिक को पुलिस से इन्साफ मिल जाए। 
यदि सचमुच भारत आज़ाद हो चुका है तो पुलिस अफसर  और नेताओ के आगे पीछे दौड़ने व सैल्यूट मारने वाली पुलिस प्रथा बंद होनी चाहिए देश में हर नागरिक का समान अधिकार है यदि आज़ाद भारत देश में कोई नेता या पुलिस अफसर अपने आप को वी आई पी समझता है तो यह भारतीय सविधान के विपरीत है।  आज़ादी से पहले अंग्रेज वी आई पी थे और आज नेता व पुलिस अफसर वी आई पी है। फिर आज़ादी कहां है ?
इसका मतलब यह हुआ कि भारत देश का आम नागरिक आज भी गुलाम है। 
और इस गुलामी से कब आज़ादी मिलेगी ?
कब तक हम काले अंग्रेजो व पुलिस को सैल्यूट मारते रहो गे 
आज़ाद होने के बाद भी उनकी गुलामी में जीते रहोगे। 
                                                    ज़रा सोचो!      दोस्तों !
आज भी हम देश के वी आई पी लोगो के गुलाम है इसलिए इन देश के वी आई पी गद्दारो से निपटने के लिए भगत सिंह, राजगुरु, चंद्र शेखर आज़ाद जैसे क्रांतिकारिओं की  आज भी जरूरत है। जब तक वी आई पी कल्चर देश से खत्म नहीं होता तब तक हम आज़ाद नहीं कहला सकते। 
श्रीपाल शर्मा एडवोकेट 
RTI & Human Rights Activist 

Thursday 20 April 2017

Contaminated milk, polluted air, unhygienic drinking water and carbide chemicals ripened fruits

In India it has been polluted everything due to money mindedness of each and every citizen. We are looting each other so there is adulterated contaminated milk to consume and fruits are being ripened with chemicals like carbide and acetylene that is sold in every big bazaar and shops. No pure water to drink. No original medicine in chemist shops, even there is polluted air to breath.

Who is responsible for this?  All the government welfare department’s employees and officers are corrupted as a result in this fake democracy it is impossible surviving of a common man.
If the basic needs of a common man is not fulfilled by government of people by the people then who will care them.  Upper classes people leaders, officers, doctors, businessmen are enjoying everything and they are also ruling over lower class community, making money by hook and crook. Everybody is looting cheating each others in our country we are getting slow poison. In the form of contaminated milk, polluted air, unhygienic drinking water and carbide chemicals ripened fruits.
In this money minded race everybody must lose his health and no doubt after age of forty or fifty years   maximum people will get fatal incurable diseases due to adulterated medicine, milk and edible things.
This problem will not solve with prayer to the GOD. We have to take initiative to raise our voice against it and have to be KARAMSHEEL to save our health and new generation problems.   
Shri Paul Sharma Advocate
RTI & Human Rights Activist


Thursday 13 April 2017

State private universities has collaborator all over India

In the world top university India has got 200 ranks in quality education. The higher education degree is available on sale at every nook and corner of India. The system of education in state private university is worse due to non investigation by UGC within time.
All state private universities has agreement with collaborator all over India. In Delhi, Gurgaon and Faridabad there are big office of collaborator. The collaborator advertise in this way:
GLADLY INVITES YOU FOR BECOMING THE PART OF REGULAR MODE / DISTANCE EDUCATION PROGRAMES OFFERED BY “VARIOUS UNIVERSITIES are built on a foundation to promote greater access to quality higher education, cutting-edge research and contribution to the society. All Universities provide generic skills together with flexibility. Adaptability and passion for life-long learning, while simultaneously equipping young people with the best basis for careers in any area, including industry, and for the unforeseen needs of the future. The University’s guiding tenet is to nurture and mould talent. JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, SHOBHIT UNIVERSITY, SUNRISE UNIVERSITY, KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY, MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, Dr. C.V. RAMAN UNIVERSITY, MONAD UNIVERSITY, MANAV BHARTI UNIVERSITY, MAHARSHI DAYANAND UNIVERSITY, vinayaka mission university, Eillm Univerity MORE THAN 10 ADMISSION WE ARE PROVIDING 55-60% SHARING ON COURSE FEESThe collaborators contact with coordinator, school and institute owner to enroll more & more students and get degree without examination as a result students are trapped in the allurement and get admission in the universities.The collaborator pay millions of rupees to the university to get franchise on the condition to get 70 -80% commission from fees in every student admission. All the collaborator has a dream to open their university so the collaborator does not deposit full fees to the universities and earn more profit as a result at the end of course university does not provide degree to the students.If the govt. investigates all university management members there will be a number of people found who were collaborator of any university in the past.
In the education businessmen corporate company has also opened a number of university and college in big cities. The owners of private universities make an advertisement in the media as they have been selling consume able products to the students. The corporate or big business man does not appoint collaborator they sale education in big building that is only show off to allure the students. The education quality is zero in these big university but they invite a great personality every year to attract more and more students in their education hub. It is shame to say, these days education has become a profitable business to earn money to cheating students.
The main cause of cheating and fraud in the state private university is that the University Grant Commission does not investigate private university infrastructure and faculty in stipulated time as a result in the period of two or three years private university deposit millions rupees fees from the students to issue mark sheets to them without any study and examination.Ellam University, Shri Dhar University, CMJ University, The global open university director owner chancellor collected millions of rupees from the students and did not provide degrees to the student it is only due to corruption and lackadaisical behavior of the UGC in the duties to investigate university in time.Govt. must take strict action against UGC who does not investigate university in the appropriate time and other hand private university must not be allowed to issue mark cards to students till there investigation of university is not completed. There must be banned on the appointment of collaborator in state private university and those who are working with state private university must be investigated and check out their income.
With Regards
Shri Paul Sharma RTI Activist Civil Lines, Ludhiana 141001 Punjab 09417455666

Who will save people of Punjab state from wine addiction- Belan Brigade

Punjab government excise policy is going adversely affect the health and life of poor & laborers of state. Decision to increase the percentage of degree of wine 50% to 75% will result into manifold increase the heart, kidney, liver failure, diabetics, blood pressure, HIV, Aids. It is also increase the accidents, domestic violence, crime and corruption as the degree of alcohol is going agitate the mind of user. Who will save the people when there are large numbers of consumers are even police personnel.
Government target to collect about Rs. 5000 crores from excise further it will affect the social life of poor family as the increase of strength of the wine will lead to more deaths thereby adding widow and orphans. State government is least bothered about welfare of society.
Anita Sharma national president of Belan Brigade said minister after visiting abroad advocate the sale of liquor at every nook and corner but they do not realize that neither  our society norms nor our family structure is mature enough to adverse affect of alcoholism.

Further in developed countries the government takes social responsibilities like unemployment, old age allowance, free medical facilities & free education. Whereas in Indian state /central govt. failed miserably on this account. National President Belan Brigade further said that the Punjab state’s habitant by  more than 3 crores  consume 34 crores of liquor bottles every year but the police has almost negligible number of Alco meters to check the drunken drivers of vehicles, leading to thousand of accident deaths every year. Is this govt. of people for the peoples.

Lovely Professional University RPIO had many excuses to avoid furnish any answer of the RTI application.

I am going to complaint against LPU and want to bring your kind notice to the state private universities that are looting innocent students with both hands and filling their coffer with money.
I filed an application under RTI Act to seek some information from Lovely Profession University distance education study center working all over India on dated 21-08-2014.
When LPU PIO failed to furnish information within stipulated time I wrote a complaint to State Information Commission Punjab.
State Information Commission after examining the documents placed on record it is found insufficient reply and ordered that PIO of office the Registrar Lovely Professional University Jalandhar to file her reply to the show cause issued to her vide orders dated 10-03-2015 before or on the next date of hearing.
On dated 12 May 2015 SICP show cause issued vide order dated 10-03-2015 for willful delay /denial in supplying the information. In this reply

Lovely Professional University RPIO had many excuses to avoid furnish any answer of the RTI application.
Another false point in the reply that therefore, on receiving a copy of the original RTI request of the complaint addressed to the undersigned along with the order of the Hon’able Commission sent on 24 March 2015 requisite information had been supplied to the complaint on 9-04-2015 and that was duly acknowledged by the complainant and he was satisfied with the same.
In fact LPU has not furnished any information to me till date. A number of people from Lovely Professional University followed me continuous to withdraw RTI application. They requested me to sign a letter if I do not sign the letter there will be a fine in the state information commissioners court to the LPU.
At last LPU authority got success to convince our NGO chairman and he assured me to sign the letter and he will get information within two or three days. To avoid mental harassment I signed on the letter on 15th April 2015 one day before the date of hearing in the SICP on this condition that they will provide me requisite information to me within time.
Instead of provide information to me. On 13th May 2015 LPU supplied the letter signed by me to SICP that applicant is satisfied and got information. Sh. Chander Parkash SICP adjourned the case no 135 of 2015.
After some days, we filed two more application to seek same information from LPU. In the State Information commission Punjab, on hearing date 2 February 2016 in the court of Punjab State Information Commissioner Harinder Pal Singh Maan (case no 3088 of 2015) & SICP Yashbir Mahajan (case no 3815 of 2015), the LPU advocate presented same letter which they have got sign in cheating from me that they have supplied the information to the applicant.
Actually Lovely Professional University did not furnish any answer to my any RTI application. Now question arises that why should LPU hide information what is there embezzlement in the record or why do they conceal all information. It shows that LPU has a big scam in education field and the government department MHRD UGC and higher education authority must investigate all the record of Lovely Professional University as soon as possible.
Punjab State Information Commissioner Chander Pakash, Harinder Pal Singh Maan and Yashbir Mahajan never asked once a time to Lovely Professional University’s advocate to show that information which they have supplied to Shri Paul Shama on behalf they got signature on the letter from him. It shows that all information commissioners are helping LPU respondent to conceal information.
I request to Government higher authority to investigate all records of Lovely Professional University to find transparency in the account and student detail. Is LPU working fairly to provide education to students as per law under UGC, MHRD and Society Act.
Shri Paul Sharma RTI Activist President
RTI & Human Rights Activist (NGO)
Ludhiana- 141001 Punjab

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RTI and Human Rights: Domestic violence in India

RTI and Human Rights: Domestic violence in India: It is common domestic violence in India and it could be happen to anybody in relation and family matters. To solve problems in abused re...

Domestic violence in India

It is common domestic violence in India and it could be happen to anybody in relation and family matters.
To solve problems in abused relation it is better to consult it with others. Middle class family are more sufferer in the domestic violence and it leads to them in separation. Poor people who live under poverty have maximum domestic problems due to finance.

In India it is increasing day by days and there is no hearings in Indian judiciary and no decision or judgments in time to the victims as a result millions of cases are pending in Indian courts.
In present some NGO has taken initiative to solve domestic dispute mutually in society. Belan Brigade national president told that public has been fed up from court proceeding and want to solve cases out of courts. If you know someone whom you think is being abused - a friend, family member it is better to request them solve their disputes mutually

स्मार्ट सिटी के नाम पर चोरो के घर खुद ही नोटों के ढेर लगा रहे है

मोदी साहेब स्मार्ट सिटी के नाम पर चोरो के घर खुद ही नोटों के ढेर लगा रहे है इसकी जीती जागती तस्वीर लुधियाना में देखी  जा सकती है। 
लुधियाना की बी एंड आर विभाग जो दो नम्बर में करोड़ो रूपए इधर से उधर कर  रहा है चपड़ासी से लेकर ऊपर तक व अफसरशाही मंत्री संतरी सब झोलिया भर रहे है। 
मंदिर में जाकर भगवान से झोलिया भरने वाली  जनता चुप चाप टैक्स देकर अपने घर के आगे पांच साल बाद बनी जो सड़क जो टूट गई है  नगर निगम से पूछने तक की  हिम्मत नहीं कर पाती क्योकि हमारे देश की जनता का एक ही नारा है 'हमे क्या लेना'. अगले पांच साल तक लोग टूटी हुई सड़क के खड्ढ़ो में ठोकरे खाते रहे गे लेकिन नगर निगम अफसरशाही कौंसलर व एम् एल ए की शान के खिलाफ एक भी शब्द  नहीं बोलेगे क्योकि उन्हें मुगलो और अंग्रेजो के खिलाफ विरोध करके फांसी चढ़ने का डर 75 साल बाद आज भी उनके खून व दिमाग में बसा हुआ है जिसे आज तक हमारी सेकुलर सरकार
व धर्म उसे खत्म नहीं कर पाया है।  

लोग गलत व सही कहने की हिम्मत आज भी नहीं रखते

क्या हमारे देशवासियो के लोगो  के खून में अंग्रेजो व  मुगलों के जुल्म की दहशत अभी भी  बरकरार है जो लोग गलत व सही कहने की  हिम्मत आज भी नहीं रखते। 

हेलमेट या सीट बेल्ट की  हाईवे या main रोड पर यहाँ बाइक या गाड़ी  की स्पीड 40 KM से जायदा हो जरूरत होती है लेकिन लुधियाना पुलिस ने शहर में यहाँ हर वक्त ट्रैफिक लगा रहता है लोगो के हर चौराहे पर पुलिस  के चार पांच मुलाजमो की टीम लोगो के चालान काटने में ही व्यस्त रहती थी शहर के भोले भाले लोग जो घरो से दाल सब्जी दवाई लेने के लिए घर से निकलते थे रास्ते में पुलिस वाला उन्हें रोक कर हेल्मट का चालान काट कर हाथ में पकड़ा देते थे। 
चालान के इस जोर जुल्म के वक्त कई लोग पुलिस वालो की  मिन्नतें करते थे और कई तो पुलिस इंस्पेक्टर के पाँव  पकड़ लेते थे। 
लोग घरो से  निकलते वक्त डरते थे न जाने कौन सी गली की नुकर पर पुलिस चालान काट कर उनके हाथ में थमा दे। 
वास्तव में जिन लोगो के बाइक या गाड़ी की ब्रेक सही नहीं होती और तेज रफ्तारी से चलते है  वही लोग दुर्घटना का कारण बनते है। 
पुलिस प्रशासन जनता को जागृत करे कि लोग गाड़ी स्पीड लिमिट में चलाये। 
जनता पर अंग्रेजो व मुगलो वाला जोर जुल्म करके सदियों बाद मिली जनता की आज़ादी का पुलिस प्रशासन फिर मलिया मेट न करे। जनता को जीने का सलीका सिखाये क्योकि देश के हर  नागरिक को आज़ादी से जीने  अधिकार है।  
लुधियाना के  इंटेलीजेंट  पुलिस कमिश्नर ईश्वर सिंह  ने शहर की जनता को चालान के मानसिक भय व डर से  आज़ादी दिलवा दी है  और कई सप्ताह हो गए है बिना हेल्मेट व बेल्ट के कारण कोई अनहोनी घटना नहीं हुई  अब लुधियाना शहर के लाखो लोग  पुलिस के चालान से भय मुक्त हो गए है और दूसरी तरफ यदि लोग स्पीड लिमिट में बाइक व गाड़ी चलाये तो कोई दुर्घटना नहीं होगी। 

मैंने क्या लेना।

दो जगह ऐसी है यहाँ  इन्शान पैसा खर्च करने में कभी भी कम्प्रोमाइज नहीं करता और इसके लिए वो अपना सब कुछ दांव पर लगाने के लिए भी तैयार हो जाता है। 
एक हस्पताल 
दूसरा वच्चो की पढाई 
जब कोई अपना हस्पताल में जिंदगी और मौत से लड़ रहा हो तो उस समय हर इन्शान डाक्टर  से एक  बात ही कहता है 
डाक्टर साहेब इसकी जान बचा लो पैसा चाहे जितना भी लग जाए 
दूसरी तरफ हर माँ बाप अपने बच्चो को अच्छी से अच्छी शिक्षा देना चाहता है चाहे उसके लिए उन्हें भूखा क्यों न रहना पड़े। 
बस. ......... !
भारत देश में जनता की यही मजबूरी का नज़ायज़ फ़ायदा उठा कर सरकार कानून व  नेताओ की कमजोरी, रिश्वतखोरी, कामचोरी, चोरबाज़ारी व बेईमानी के कारण 
देश में डाक्टर व स्कूल माफिया भारत की भोली भाली जनता को दोनों हाथो से लूट रहा है
और  जनता की पुकार सुनंने वाला कोई नहीं है।  
भारत का नागरिक बुज़दिल और स्वार्थी है बस.......... ! 
 इतना कह कर अपने समाज, परिवार व देश के प्रति अपनी जिम्मेदारी से पल्ला झाड़ लेता है 

स्वामी दयानन्द के नाम पर चलाए जा रहे स्कूल

महर्षि स्वामी दयानन्द सरस्वती ने भारत में शिक्षा के प्रचार प्रसार  के लिए अनेको स्कूल खुलवाएं थे और आज भी महर्षि स्वामी दयानन्द सरस्वती  जी के नाम वाले अनेको स्कूल है लेकिन इन स्कूलों का मकसद देश के वच्चों को पढ़ाने का नहीं केवल नोट इक्कठे करने का है शिक्षा को लालची लोगो ने बिजनेस बना दिया है। 
लुधियाना के एक ऐसे ही
स्वामी दयानन्द के नाम पर चलाए जा रहे स्कूल पुलिस डी ए वी पब्लिक स्कूल में नोट  इक्कठे करने का सिलसिला चल रहा है। 
तभी तो बढ़ी हुई फीसों के खिलाफ संघर्ष कर रहे  पेरेंट्स के वच्चो को आज क्लास में बैठने नहीं दिया गया। 
इसी महर्षि स्वामी दयानन्द सरस्वती (पुलिस डी ए वी पब्लिक स्कूल) की दो कन्याओ क्लास पांचवी सातवी ने बताया की उन्हें आज स्कूल की फीस जमा न कराने के जुल्म की वजह से क्लास में बैठने नहीं दिया गया । 
बड़े शर्म की बात है आज भारत की धरती पर यहाँ कन्याओं की पूजा होती है जिन्हें पढ़ाने के लिए स्वामी दयानन्द ने निशुल्क स्कूल खोले थे आज ऐसे ही पुलिस डी ए वी पब्लिक स्कूल में मासूम छात्राओ को स्कूल की फीस न जमा कराने के जुर्म में स्कूल के पहले दिन ही उन्हें क्लास में बैठने नहीं दिया गया। 
इस स्कूल दोनों छात्राए क्लास पांचवी सातवी डिप्रेशन में है रो रो कर  कह रही है कि उनका क्या कसूर है जो उन्हें क्लास में बैठने नहीं दिया गया।  

लागू नहीं हो रहा आर टी इ

आर टी इ  शिक्षा का अधिकार कानून सरकार ने पास तो कर दिया था लेकिन बड़े दुःख की बात है कि इस कानून को प्राइवेट स्कूल लागू नहीं कर रहे है और लोग इस कानून को लागू करवाने के लिए अदालतों का सहारा ले रहे है यहाँ पर अदालतों में इस कानून को सही और गलत साबित करने के लिए दोनों पार्टियों के वकील न्यायाधीश के सामने गवाहों और दस्तावेज आधार पर लड़ाई लड़ रहे है इसका नतीजा या फैसला क्या होगा इसको कितने वर्ष लगे गे इसकी कोई सीमा या टाइम लिमिट नहीं है।
मजे की बात यह है कि सरकार द्वारा जनता की सुविधा सुरक्षा व कल्याण के लिए बनाये गए कानून को ही लागू करवाने लिए जनता को अदालतों के चक्कर लगाने पड़ रहे है।