Tuesday 23 May 2017

Mosquitoes larva with ineffective fogging will bring some other new fatal mosquitoes breed

It is a big problem all over India where all govt.’s department has been working without proper system or knowledge of what is the benefit or loss of it. Now civic officials have been adopting chemical Malathion or pyrethrum both of these chemicals is nothing but biological poison fogging to tackle our mosquito menace in the city. Health department is not systematic impact study on these chemicals. No doubt civic body the methods that is being used here are the same those used internationally.

It is clear that the mosquitoes are actively looking for food at dusk and dawn. Therefore fogging is done at those times have a high chance to killing the mosquitoes since mosquitoes are also active in doors, the fogman must fog in doors also. They can’t fog indoors if no one is at home to let them in the adults mosquitoes that they may be resting indoors may be spared.

In the spray mix of Malathion and diesel seems to have temporary effect on the mosquitoes for about two or three hours but after that they again regain consciousness. Further the fogging is taken on the sounds of the city in morning after sun rising late two hours speedily and most of the drains lying in the congested localities are left untouched. As a result the citizens have to continually face the attack of diseases like Malaria, dengue and chikungunya.

It is found fogging only kills the adult mosquitoes the young ones the larva are protected from the insecticide laden fog, only waiting for a few more days to emerge into adult mosquitoes. The new breed of mosquitoes after fogging on larva after short period it take new breed of mosquitoes it becomes so dangerous that fogging on mosquitoes used to kill them but this fogging for Malaria brought new breed of mosquitoes called Dengue and Dengue mosquitoes brought new breed of Chikungunya and now the adult mosquitoes of the chikungunya after breathing fogging of biological poison it will bring new breed of mosquitoes. May be the disease of this mosquitoes will be more fatal and dangerous it not curable easily than dengue and chikungunya. 
Continuously using the chemical Malathion for fogging purpose to check the growth of mosquitoes in city but  there is not any benefit of old chemical Malathion which has been used in fogging. Thus the precious public money is being literally going down the draining without any benefit of the denizens.

Fogging is not just spraying smoke in a vicinity. There are techniques involved. Beside the concentration of the patricidal the nozzle width, the speed of the fogmen, the swing techniques, the wind direction etc. are all important in killing mosquitoes. The nozzles of the fog machine may be dogged with dust. As a result the fogs are merely white thick smoke creating a few cough in the neighborhood leaving the mosquitoes unharmed.
Public say that even the fogging being done in some of the selected portions of the city using Malathion but it does not have any permanent effect to control the menace of mosquitoes.

Ludhiana Nagar Nigam health department’s officers have no care of fogging result what is the benefit of it or not  even they have not got check up the fogging kill mosquitoes or not. They do not know how much time fogging will take to spray smoke at same spot to kill mosquitoes. Ludhiana Nagar Nigam health department only fulfill the formality to spray fogging in city.
If there is not proper system of fogging and it is not good result to kill mosquitoes it is better to stop fogging. Otherwise ineffective fogging smoke will change mosquitoes larva chikunguniya into some other new fatal mosquitoes breed that may be more harmful dangerous than dengue malaria or chikunguniya .
Shri Paul Sharma

Monday 15 May 2017

प्रशासन जनता को हेल्मेट के नाम पर परेशान न करे

भारत देश में आज़ादी के बाद चंडीगढ़ शहर प्लानिंग के साथ बना था और दूसरी तरफ लुधियाना जालन्धर पटियाला अमृतसर आदि शहर  बिना प्लानिंग के बने है यहां  गली मुहल्लो में  पन्द्रह से बीस फुट चौड़ाई की सड़के बनी हुई है मुख्य सड़के भी आज के ट्रैफिक के हिसाब से ठीक नहीं है। 

पंजाब सरकार व  प्रशासन को चाहिए कि वे  शहर की जनता को हेल्मेट के नाम पर परेशान न करे लुधियाना शहर कोई चंडीगढ़ नहीं है यहाँ पर लोगो को भारत नगर चौक ट्रैफिक जाम में भी  हेल्मेट न पहनने पर चालान काट कर मौजूदा सरकार को बदनाम किया जा रहा है।  

मान लो एक व्यक्ति हेल्मेट पहन कर मोटर साईकल चला रहा है उसके पीछे बिना हेल्मेट के उसकी पांच साल की बेटी और पत्नी छह महीने का बच्चा अपनी गोद में लेकर बैठी है दुर्घटना होने पर छह महीने के बच्चे का क्या होगा जो सर पर हेल्मेट नहीं पहन सकता और गर्भपति महिला का दुर्घटना होने पर गर्भपात भी  हो सकता है और पेट में पल रहे बच्चे को कोई भी प्रॉब्लम हो सकती है इसलिए हेल्मेट दुर्घटना के बचाव का कोई हल नहीं है।

दूसरी तरफ बिना हेल्मेट वाला व्यक्ति दुर्घटना होने  पर किसी की जान नहीं लेता वह खुद जख्मी हो जाता है।  
लुधियाना में दुर्घटना के मुख्य कारण तेज रफ्तार, रेड लाइट जम्प, शराब पीकर गाड़ी चलाना व रांग पार्किंग आदि में पुलिस कोई सुधार नहीं कर पाई है उल्टा हेल्मेट के चालान काट काट कर आम जनता को मानसिक तौर पर  परेशान जरूर किया जा रहा है।  
पंजाब सरकार को लुधियाना में जानलेवा दुर्घटनाओं को सबसे पहले रोकना होगा इसके लिए पुलिस व प्रशासन जब तक शहर में स्पीड लिमिट कंट्रोल नहीं करता तब तक दुर्घटनाओं में कोई कमी नहीं होगी।  इसलिए बेहतर है पुलिस हेल्मेट के चालान काटने की बजाय वाहनों की स्पीड लिमिट कंट्रोल करे जो दुर्घटनाओ की मुख्य कारण है।    

आर टी आई एंड ह्यूमन राइट ऐक्टिविस्ट श्रीपाल शर्मा एडवोकेट

Tuesday 9 May 2017

पुलिस हेल्मेट का डर व भय दिखा कर जनता को परेशान कर रही है

भारत के प्रत्येक नागरिक को अपनी मर्जी से जीने का अधिकार है बशर्ते इससे किसी दुसरे व्यक्ति को हानि न हो।  इन्शान अपनी जिंदगी को संभाले या खत्म करे उस पर निर्भर करता है  वह जब चाहे फंदा डाल कर, नहर में कूद कर,जहर खा कर अपनी मौत आप मर सकता है उसे कोई रोक नहीं सकता। इसलिए हर इन्शान खुद समझदार है कि उसे मरना है या जीना।  

यदि हर व्यक्ति की जिंदगी अपनी है फिर सरकार और पुलिस प्रशासन क्यों टू व्हीलर चलाने वाले लोगो को मौत का भय दिखाकर हेल्मेट पहनने को मजबूर कर रही है। जबकि सरकार द्वारा बनाई गई सड़को की चौड़ाई बहुत कम होने की वजह से उस पर भीड़ और ट्रैफिक जाम हमेशा लगा रहता है जिस सड़क पर चलना कठिन है वहां पुलिस दुर्घटना का होब्बा दिखाकर हेलमेट का चालान काट रही है। 

जब  टू व्हीलर चलाने व्यक्ति घर से बाहर निकलता है तो उसे यही भय डर सताता रहता है कि न जाने किस गली के मोड़ पर पुलिस वाले उसका बिना हेल्मेट का चालान काट दे। 
अगर किसी व्यक्ति ने हेल्मेट नहीं पहना यह उसकी समझ है उसकी जिंदगी है उसे पता है हेल्मेट पहनने या न पहनने से उसका कोई जानी नुकसान होता है या नहीं। 
वैसे एक बाइक वाला अपनी सिमित रफ्तार में टू व्हीलर चलाकर किसी को हानि नहीं पहुंचा सकता।  
आप अखबारों में पढ़ते है अक्सर तेज रफ़्तार वाहन ही दुर्घटना का कारण बनते है। 
सरकार प्रशासन पुलिस वाहनों की स्पीड लिमिट को कंट्रोल करने की बजाय  टू व्हीलर वालो के चालान काट काट कर  उन्हें ही मानसिक तौर पर परेशान कर रही है। 
जोकि एक आम इन्शान को अपनी मर्जी से जिन्दगी जीने के अधिकार का हनन है। 
लुधियाना में एक पुलिस कमिश्नर साहेब ने एक महीना टू व्हीलर चलाने वाले किसी भी व्यक्ति का बिना हेल्मेट बाइक चलाने पर चालान नहीं काटा। और इसकी नगर निगम की हद में जरूरत भी नहीं है। 
इस दरम्यान शहर में कोई भी बिना हेल्मेट टू  व्हीलर चलाने वाले व्यक्ति का, हेल्मेट न पहनंने के कारण कोई जानी नुक्सान नहीं हुआ।

पता नहीं।  अब कौन सी नई मुसीबत आ गई है जो पुलिस फिर जनता को परेशान करने के लिए टू व्हीलर चलाने वाले लोगो के बिना हेल्मेट के चालान काटने लग गई है। 

पुलिस प्रशासन पहले शहर में वाहनों की तेज रफ्तार को रोके जो दुर्घटना का मुख्य कारण है  और स्पीड लिमिट तय करे। 

जिस दिन शहर में वाहनों की तेज रफ्तार कंट्रोल हो जाएगी उसके बाद पुलिस शहर में बिना हेल्मेट टू व्हीलर चलाने वाले लोगो का चालान काटे वह भी तब  अगर स्पीड लिमिट कंट्रोल होने के बाद टू व्हीलर चलाने वाले दुर्घटनाओं का कारण बनते है। सड़को पर जाम लगा रहता गर्मी के मौसम के कारण आई एस ओ मार्का हेल्मेट वैसे ही आदमी  के पसीने छुड़वा देता है 20 -30 फूटी सड़को पर ट्रैफिक के कारण दाये वाये गर्दन घुमाना मुश्किल होता है और अक्सर हेल्मेट वाले ही ज्यादा दुर्घटनाग्रस्त होते है।
सरकार जी,
लोग पहले ही बिमारी चोर बाज़ारी, डकैती  भ्रस्ट प्रशासन व माफिया से दुःखी है। हमारे आज़ाद राष्ट्र की पुलिस जनता की सुरक्षा या सहायता तो क्या करेगी उल्टा उन्हें हेल्मेट का डर व भय दिखा कर और परेशान कर रही है। 
श्रीपाल शर्मा एडवोकेट 

Thursday 4 May 2017

Police and Politician nexus creating corruption in India

India is now an independent county but the police rules & law are continued in working as applied by Britishers to crush Indian who protested, opposed English rules. After independence politician and bureaucrats due to selfishness did not changed old rules and law of police administration. At present police can trap or prosecute someone in any false or illegal case at will. In the natural law of humanity the police is for the protection, security and help for the public. After freedom of India, Angrej left India and the Indian politician kept same rules and law of Angrej to dominate the public. After 1947 government rulers changed but the old police law is being used by politician as a tool against opponents which resulted in whole system of police administration corrupted and turned into selfishness. So there is too much of misuse of police law over the citizen. The law enforcing agencies in India are taking law in their hands to use it as they wish.

It is not hidden that police is manipulated by political leaders who have misused the power of appointments and transfers to patronize weak or corrupt officers for their own selfish purposes at the cost of public interest. All politicians appoints wrong person for the highest jobs or post as they are willing to carry out the dictate and wishes of theirs political masters for their survival. The main work of the leaders is for the interference, appointment, transfers, rewards and punishments. In the police station corruption include bribery or exchange of money is ubiquitous between the police and wrong doer. It is the main cause of crime which may range from brutality, fake encounters, sexual harassment, custodial crimes and illicit use of weapons in connivance with miscreants and mafias. Police corruption is the misuse of police authority for personal gain for example demanding money for not writing against culprit and get bribery in exchange for not enforcing the law. Since corruption involves criminal behavior, prosecution of corrupt police officers is possible only on develop cases, however, they often do not want to miss any chance to collect money from prosecutor.
We live in a country which has a government of law or a government of men, the chief of police that it was his responsibility, to enforce the law, not to question its desirability or the appropriateness of its applicability, in a particular situation. Police corruption is the misuse of police authority for personal gain. Personal gain can mean monetary payment or other type of benefit. Police corruption hurts both law enforcement and the community. All scandals damage the police’s public image and undermine a community’s trust of law enforcement. Crime flourishes in these communities, because criminal activity is protected rather than abated. As a result the protected criminal activities often contribute to organized crime rings. This is because the protected criminal activities become lucrative source of income for all involved.
In fact, the mere easy access to large sums of money seems to be the largest contributing factor to police corruption. This type of corruption is not new it was wide spread officers had access to large amount of unaccounted for cash from criminal. Theory says that most corruption stems from just a number of dishonest or unethical officers. In other words, entire units of police departments might be branded as a corrupt due to the actions of just a handful of officers. With the present day situation worsening, the basic Rights to life granted under article 21 of the Constitution is being denied. Cases of fake encounters, rising death toll in the prisons and unnecessary delay in investigation makes one feel insecure and vulnerable.

A sub inspector reportedly, compelled the family of a man who had committed suicide to pay bribe for the release of his dead body, in another case a police officer was penalized for extorting money from a trader by threatening to implicate him in a murder case. Such incidents make it like a commercial transaction. The general public looses trust in the department by such incidents and leads to believe that everything can be done if one is in position to talk in terms of money or power with the police officials. Efforts for curbing this wide spread social evil, called corruption have to come from both the police and the civil society. Society members should be educated about the negative affects of corruption within the police force and its long terms disadvantages or controlling corruption the police department requires an organization lead by people of strong character and who have good leadership qualities. The departmental goal should be pursued earnestly.
Police is main power in modern civilization to maintain social security and help the public but the power of police is under the control of politician as a result all types of leaders, society president put pressure on the police for legal and illegal work. In the election time all political parties obtain help from all goons and criminal person to win election in this reciprocal system leaders and criminal help each others. On other hands the lackadaisical behavior of police has increased the incidents of chain snatching, robbery, dacoit, murder and molestation it is only happening due to the support to criminal by politician.
The police department must be separate from the interference of government agencies and politician. Police does not investigate regular all criminal who released on bail from prison and it is the main reason they commit violence and crime again in the same or different areas. There is more urgent need to address basic issue like improving the working condition of the police persons. As long as a majority of citizens are willing to go along with corrupt police officers, mainly for the reason to obtain favors there is no way in which corruption can be curbed. For making the country cleaner and corruption free for the future generation it is necessary to put an serious effort now.
The issue of corruption has led Indians to re-evaluate what the state really means to them. What is its role? How far are its agents accountable, and to what extent does it protect civic and democratic rights? Such questions reflect back on the colonial past. Unless our officials are not honest- let India buy any sophisticated technology to control crimes, that technology will be helping those criminals who need that technology. CCTV cameras, uniform, cars, technology are reactive technologies.
We need proactive technologies to control the bad lawyers first who jump to take up criminal cases for hefty remuneration. Some officials get appointment to help the prosecutor from back doors which is known to family members or relatives of leaders.
Decriminalization would contribute significantly to improving the police corruption problem. The investigator of police personnel must be learned and qualified of law. It is the need of time to change the working of police and power of elected politician minister to transfer the police officer is not in the favor of fair and impartial investigation. All type of interference by leaders and government in the investigation of police must be banned.
Lastly the pressure groups, politician and self proclaimed leader’s interference in the police working is harmful it plays middle men’s role in settling the case and exaggerate the corruption. Just like Angrej our officers, politicians, minister have also 24 hours police security for show off, common men think the police is for the security of VVIP not for the service provider to public. The development, peace, welfare reforms in social life, human rights will not accomplish till the menace of police in the mind of general public not washed out and police have to prove themselves that they are helper and security guards of general public, helpless and victim of crime.
I request your kind honour to consider and enact rules to make the police of nation corruption free by providing drastic punishments to corrupt and protect the honest police officers who are dedicated to honesty and patriotism and killed by Mafias protected by the politicians and their financers through the illegal money generated through corruption and political connivance by banning the visit or telephone calls to the police stations/officers punishable under the act which is the root cause of corruption as well as stringent punishment to corrupt police personals & officers to make the police department people’s friendly as in developed countries like UK, Australia, UK and USA etc.
Shri Paul Sharma
Ludhiana Welfare Organization (NGO)

Civil Lines, Ludhiana 141001

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Doctors in India put their energy, talent and practice to generate money to build private hospital

In India health care system has become too costly for a common man to survive. Other side government provides only primary health center in rural areas and not proper multispecialty hospital in all urban areas as per requirement. 
Only private doctors are making money every nook & corner of the city. They charges huge fees and having commission in various medical test and pharmaceutical fields.  Indian doctors are so greedy, devouring and avaricious and loot a patient with both hands till patients family will not become bankrupt and ruin.

What is the reason that Indian doctors are so greedy?  Reason is that all practicing doctors spend millions of rupees in medical education and training secondly in the period of practice they have to build their own nursing home or hospital and all doctors want to their children must be doctors.
To build a nursing home or hospital in India it is required huge money and a doctor to fulfill his dream of personal hospital they collect money by hook and crook from patient. They work 18 hours day and nights, have no peace of mind, check up their own blood pressure a number of time. They have all time meditate ruminate how to grab money from the pocket of patients. They put their all energy, talent and practice to generate money.

It is all due to present government system. To make easy, comfortable, free from tension and enjoyable life of a professional doctor, in law there must change and to be banned on doctor’s personal hospital. Government must provide to them hospital infrastructure where they can practice with good salary and do not waste their whole life & energy collecting money to build their own hospital.
In present to save public from the greedy claw of the doctors it is the need of time Indian government immediate ban on the private personal hospital.
 Shri Paul Sharma Advocate