Thursday 9 November 2017

Over speed, negligence, rash driving and unplanned road infrastructure system is the main cause of accident in India

Hundreds of people in India are losing their life due to over speed vehicles accident. There is no government system to help immediate accident injured person for medical facilities   and public also don’t care or help them as a result 70 percent accident crashed person die on the road. 

I got right leg fractured in car accident at the place where deputy commissioner, police commissioner and judiciary complex is situated in mini secretariat smart city of Ludhiana Punjab. I could not get ambulance or any vehicle facilities or help to take me hospital approximate for one and half an hour even there are number of my known journalist and friends were present at the spot but nobody was ready to be witness of accident case. This is the scene situation where all the government officers are sitting and a man is suffering with pain after the accident on the road.

In India most of the fatal accidents occur due to over speeding, negligence, illiteracy and unplanned government road infrastructure. In over speeding it is natural psyche of humans to excel and achieve infinity in speed. It is clear when we are sharing the road with other users we will always remain behind some or other road vehicle. If this law is broken increase in speed multiplies the risk of accident and severity of injury during accident. Faster vehicles are more prone to accident than the slower one and the severity of accident will also be more in case of faster vehicles. At High speed the vehicle needs greater distance to stop. A slower vehicle comes to halt immediately while faster one takes long way to stop and also skids a long distance due to law of notion. A vehicle moving on high speed will have greater impact during the crash and hence will cause more injuries. 

In India there are more than nine road accidents that kill three people every ten minutes in 2015 according to new national data an increase of nine percent over four years. Although human perception of highway safety is often misplaced and inaccurate personal judgment of one’s own driving is a leading cause of mishaps, better road geometry with accurate speed limit determinants can, in fact, lead to uniformity and better enforcement. Road contractors are indirectly allowed to avoid liability in case of any accident due to improper road design. 
Due to illiteracy and negligence of the citizens which is one of the important factors especially in India the law fails to have its impact if the citizen doesn’t support it till everyone should understand his responsibility in adhering to the laws because it is for their benefit.  Drivers having over speeding, violation of rules, failure to understand signs, rash driving, fatigue and alcohol, pedestrian having carelessness, illiteracy, crossing at wrong places moving on carriageway Joywalkers. There are numerous cases just like this and people do not care for the safety of others on the roads.
We find everywhere in our country pathetic conditions of roads are also responsible for the increasing rate of accident fatalities.  There are potholes, damaged road, diversions, illegal speed breakers and eroded road merging of rural roads with high way. In this way road conditions are not improving with the rate of increasing rate of vehicles and the present are also not of international standards.
Indian government make tall claims construction of multi lane high ways in their advertisement but still there is not a single highway like European. In develop country the contractors gives 10 years warranty on roads constructed but in India roads start washing away in first rainy season. The roads are not designed with proper methods and the material used in the construction is of substandard quality.

Fast moving vehicles design is also a reason behind increasing accidents, as international auto companies like BMW, Mercedies and Audi etc. can cruise to more than 200 kmph in two second after start. But in India our highway road infrastructure is available for driving only at maximum speed not more than 100 KMPH for cars and 60 km for heavier vehicles. There is no speed limit check/control all over India On the highways maximum road are not safe for driving beyond speeds 60kmph. Most of the road accidents occur due to over speeding and loss of control over vehicle running at high speeds. Security features like ABS airbags is for high speed European road but in India what is the benefit of this system where speed limit not exceed more than 100 kmph. All the road accident is the main cause of over speeding, rash driving negligence and improper unplanned road infrastructure.
Now Indian government is going to spend 6.9 lakhs crores rupees in road construction in future five years plan but government also have to control speed limit system and must apply rule of speed limit as per vehicles speed 20, 40, 60 and 100 kmph according to road condition and traffic congestion. CCTV and speed radar vehicle system must be available in all accident prone areas.  

Indian government first of all control speed limit and also aware the public to help accident injured person immediate. Further, a person shall not be harassed by police or any other authority, if, he takes a accident victim to hospital an act of humanity. Lastly there must be pain and sympathy in the hearts of every citizen to help accident injured person to save his life it will a true affection for the country and humanity to help accident injured person to admit him immediate in the hospital.
Shri Paul Sharma (Advocate & Journalist)
Prem Nagar, Bindravan Rd Ludhiana Punjab